Archive for November 11, 2009

>Punkins who lunch.


We went a’driving yesterday (it’s almost twenty minutes past Midnight, so it really was yesterday, even though it feels like ‘today’, because it was today, sort of…), The Boy had an unexpected, yet overdue, day off, which meant Punk & I had a lovely set of wheels at our disposal, air conditioned wheels at that.

My only real aim for the day was to get me a new mouse. Clickity click click click. You hear that? It’s a new mouse. We got one. It works just fine. It’s dandy even.

Before the mouse need was satiated however, we had to fulfil a lunch need, that we did in an unexpectedly cool diner-come-take-away-come-chicken-joint. We entered due to lack of options & I was immediately floored by the vintage laminate table & vinyl chair goodness. I wanted every single piece of furniture there, but especially that lurvly red chair… it has spoiled me, that plethora of vintage mish mash, for when I got home I eyed my own white faux wood grain laminex table with it’s decidedly dull grey studded vinyl chairs with despair. I have informed the boy that if I find a vintage laminex table with the marbled red top & the chrome sides that I have ALWAYS, ALWAYS wanted, I shall be buying it. Oh yes. Even if then we would have 3 kitchen tables. And the chairs…. oh, don’t get me started! My heart aches for them! They would be so much more loved here with me….! If only I could have managed to stuff a couple into my bag… or smuggled some out under my billowy new circle skirt….

We also went by a camping store which just so happened to be having a one day only woo hoo & yea haw bells & whistles sale. We were swept along in the excitement & ended up filling our trunk with a tent (it’s a little bit fancy & we’re a little bit crap at putting up tents… so… stay tuned for undoubtedly horrible tales of tent erecting failure…), folding camping chairs, air mattresses, a pump for said air mattresses, a billy kettle (oh! how I love that billy kettle! I shall have to show it to you at a later date), campy type plates & cups “etc”, a lamp… I’m sure there is more, just as I’m sure that we have forgotten some vital piece of equipment, which will only be discovered when we’re out in the sticks, thoroughly encamped & in some sort of dire need.

So. We’re going camping.

Next week.

I don’t know yet, how I feel about it.

We shall see.

November 11, 2009 at 1:51 am 8 comments


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