Posts filed under ‘kitchen’

>I cleaned the sink….


…and I know what you’re thinking. Yes I do. You’re thinking; “That’s just great.”, “Go you.”, “What do I care?”. Don’t pretend that’s not true. That’s what I’d be thinking if I were you.

Anywho… I don’t know if you WILL care, but it’s sort of a big step for me. Now I’m not saying that this is the first time I’ve ever cleaned the sink, but it is certainly the first time I’ve taken a picture of it…! 😉

A thread over on the Crafty Mamas forum today lead me to FlyLady. I have heard of her before, but not paid any attention, after all, I hate cleaning, so why would I want to know how to do more of it? But today, for some reason, I actually had a bit more of a thorough look over there, and, as a result, I cleaned the sink.

I guess there comes a time, as much as I hate to admit it, and hate even more actually doing it, when a mamma just has to get on top of the things she’s been letting slide, not only to set a good example to any young Punk that may be hanging around, but to also feel in control of the housework for a change, instead of it looming large eternally like an evil nemesis, and controlling her instead.

Even though I had committed to a bit of a longer look over at FlyLady, I almost clicked away after a brief read-through, thinking “Who am I kidding?”. I’m just not that kind of girl. The competent, organised housefrou type of girl. But then I thought about how I spend my days, and what is the thing I dislike the most…? You got it. Cleaning. What do I enjoy the most? Hanging out with Le Punk & Crafting. What stops me from doing those two things…? Again with the cleaning. I just suck at it, and because I suck at it, it always ends up out of control & I spend a whole day cleaning just to end up with a moderately livable house that gets messed up again within a matter of milliseconds.

When I say it gets out of control… I wish I were over-exaggerating. We’re talking dishes that don’t get done until I am forced to wash them, usually before I can make dinner, or, even more likely, I look at the dirty dishes around 20 past 5 & think “What can I make for dinner that requires none of these dishes?!”.

Why can’t I be organised
? Or, more precisely, why can’t I learn to be organised? Why can’t I just make the necessary cleaning a regular part of my routine, as opposed to a never-ending chore…?
No real reason, that I could come up with. So. I cleaned the sink. That’s all I have to do today. Day 1. And all I have to do tomorrow is get dressed as soon as I get up & ‘shine’ the sink again. I’m pretty sure I can manage that…..

(Kitchen pretty – something to distract me while I do the dishes… when I do the dishes…)

August 30, 2009 at 8:04 pm 7 comments


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